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| Hollandse Horloges, Cees Peeters. | Horloges van Nederlandse uurwerkmakers. John Beringen. |



John Goldberger
ISBN: 88-89431-27-X | Laurie Penman, The Carriage Clock - A Repair and Restoration Manual, London: N.A.G. Press, 2005. | Devices for time measurement in Museum Boerhaave.
The British Museum Clocks. |



PRECISION PENDULUM CLOCKS, and other books. | English Precision Pendulum Clocks (Volume II) | Precision Pendulum Clocks (Volume III) |



Mystery, Novelty & Fantasy Clocks. | Carriage & Other Travelling Clocks. | British Longcase Clocks. |


Continental & American Skeleton Clocks. | British Skeleton Clocks. |



Swiss Timepiece Makers
1775-1975. | Watchmakers and Clockmakers of the World. G.H.Baillie.
36000 names of watch and clockmakers throughout the World | The Knibb Family. By Ronald A. Lee. |

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Watch and Clockmakers of the World Volume 2. Brian Loomes. |

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Horological Masterworks.
english seventeenth-century Clocks from Private collections. |



SAUVEGARDONS LES SAVOIR-FAIRE, COURS DE REPARATION HORLOGERIE ANCIENNE, 2 Livres de 150 pages, avec chacun plus de 285 figures. | H.M. Vehmeyer. Clocks their origin and development 1320-1880 | Klokken Lexicon, Jaap Zeeman. |

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Watch And Clock Encyclopedia. de Carle's. |



Collecting Watches. | COLLECTING PATEK PHILIPPE WRISTWATCHES by Osvaldo Patrizzi. | Wat zijn antieke klokken en barometers waard. Scriptum Art. |


Edwin Banfield. Barometer makers and retailers, 1660-1900 | L'HISTOIRE DU BAROMETRE
"Le Petit Maxant Illustré". |

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Les montres et horloges de table du musée du Louvre. |