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Watch and Clockmakers of the World Volume 2. Brian Loomes.

35000 names.

A two-volume work, the intention to include brief, usually one-line entry, details of every known maker of clocks, watches and scientific instruments (but excluding Russian and Far Eastern makers). Volume One was written by the late G. H. Baillie in 1929 and has been re-printed many times since, without revision. It is a dictionary of names and dates containing details of some 36,000 makers in 380 pages up to about 1820.
Volume Two was written by Brian Loomes and first published in 1976, later published in a revised, up-dated edition in 1989. This volume includes such names and details of makers (both those previously known and previously unknown) as have been discovered since the 1929 book was published and contains some 35,000 additional names in 280 pages and running as late as about 1900.
Anyone buying this book needs both volumes, though either volume can be bought separately. Originally published by NAG Press, now owned by Robert Hale, page size 8in by 5in.
Signed single volume: price (UK ONLY) including postage and packing £30.00
Both volumes together (UK ONLY) including postage and packing £55.00.


Horological Books

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