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Jacques Neve. 2 rue des Fonds, B-1440 Braine-le-Chateau, Belgique-België-Belgium tel +32 477 271908. fax +32 2 366 2124website info@horloger.net
Herman Goedleven. Antique clocks Wolstraat 28, 2000 Antwerpen, Belgium. Tel & Fax : +32 (0)3 226 50 88website info@antieke-klokken.com
Lesley Lichtenstein, antique watches. Hoveniersstraat 2, Antwerpen. Belgium. tel: 0032 3 2395655, mobile: 0032 75 685691
Orologio, montres et antiquites. Vente et achat. Vestingstraat 51, Antwerpen. Belgium. tel: 0032 3 234 1400, fax: 0032 3 234 2232
Chronos Antique Gallery Exlusive European Furniture & Clocks from the 17th Braambergstraat 12 (Vismarkt), Brugge B-8000 , Belgium. Tel: +32 (0)50 341164 Fax: +32 (0)50 337268website Info@Chronos.be
L. van Cauwenbergh. Artimo S.A. Antique clocks and watches. Rue le Beau 33, B-1000 Bruxelles. Belgium. Tel: +32 2 512 62 42 Fax: +32 2 513 14 98website artimobrussels@skynet.be Mobile: +32 75 29 10 49
L'artisan du temps Horlogerie ancienne. 758 Chausée de Waterloo, 1180 , BEL tel: 02/345.56.88 gsm: 0498/68.64.24 website gclavareau@artisandutemps.com TVA: BE 864.826.264
Daelmans Wholesale Antiques Rijksweg 255 B-3650 Dilsen-Stokkem. Belgium. +32 (0)475250735website
Antiques Herckenrode, Liégeois furniture & clocks I8th century. 44 Dr. Willemsstraat B-3500 Hasselt Belgium. website info@herckenrode.com
Horlogerie Delodder antique clocks Torhoutsesteenweg 88 g, 8400 Oostende, Belgium. 003259509736 fa593551@skynet.be
Eward Ruyter Restoration of clocks Jekerstraat 68, 3700 Tongeren, Belgium. website info@ewardruyter.be Restauratie en verkoop van antieke klokken.
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